13 May 2009

Follow Fashion! Backlesness/ Pantslessness

A lot of people are of the mindset that Caribbean street fashion ALWAYS follows the trends of pop culture regardless of appropriateness (remember the great SCARF debate of 08?) However, I beg to differ! I have picked out two trends that the Hollywood Fashionistas have only just gotten into that we in the Caribbean have been doing forever!


Young Caribbean women have been doing backless dresses/tops since 19-how-long. A backless top is like the sexy version of the mullet: all business in front, all unexpected drama an excitement in the back! I had noticed celebrities following the trend here and there like Nicole Kidman and Ciara:

GRRR those shoes!!

Ciara pics courtesy www.theybf.com/ Nicole Kidman courtesy www.skinnyvscurvy.com

But if I wasn't convinced then that Hollywood was jacking our swagger, last Monday's Met Costume Institute Gala convinced me for sure.

Not only did Ciara come with it again (like somebody tell her her back nice or something), but also Kate Hudson, Blake Lively, Kate Bosworth, Kate Moss and even Ashley Olsen!! OUTRAGE!

Okay, okay, I know we in the Caribbean didn't invent backless garments. But it was our territory and I feel like they trying to steal our shine! If the Arawaks and Caribs had felt this territorial things might have been a LOT different today! Anyway, I feel like we need to figure out a way to reclaim what is rightfully ours! How do we do this? Maximize the drama created in your backless top/ dress. I like to make the outfit as simple as possible from the front so that when I'm walking away, the drama of the back is heightened. Also look for backless items with interesting details such as fringe, beading, lace, ruffles, geometric shapes, or interesting combinations of thin straps. Also an entire back out (like Ciara's above) is a lot of skin that people aren't accustomed to seeing. So perhaps pair a dress with some leggings or a top with long pants or jeans so that your look doesn't come across as naked.


Speaking of looking naked....

This is a trend that I am less willing to claim as originating in the Caribbean but I have to give jack he jacket...allyuh ladies did it first. You know what I'm talking about. When tunics became popular and we were never really too sure if an item was a top or a dress and we would ask a friend and the friend would give the WRONG answer (dress) and we would only really notice when we got out of the car at the party and our "dress" was chillin in the vicinity of our navel?

Or did that only happen to me....

But lately celebrities are also eschewing the pants....and not on the advice of any misguided companions either....it's because they WANT to.

I'm seeing the trend in three basic forms:

1. Thigh High Boots as Pants

For this I have to make an example of my favourite and bring my girl Rihanna to the front of the class.

What is this precisely Rih Rih? (This pigeon-toe action u have goin on here really not helping your case either.)

Thanks PacificCoastNewsOnline.com

And you, Birdie Bell, whoever you are, what do YOU have to say for yourself?

Thanks gofugyourself.celebuzz.com

And please no one point out to me that these young ladies are in fact wearing pants, because what they have there wrapped around their waists are NOT what I consider pants.

2. Leotards as Pants??

YES YOU Lady Gaga. This is all you! I really have no explanation for this. At least thigh high boots are worn on the legs. By this logic I could have left my Caribbean School of Dance classes in my turquoise blue leotard and jus walked the street like normal. In, fact no, because I STILL had on pink stockings. You however, don't (EVER!)

Thanks opestyle.blogspot.com

What kills me is she has the audacity to put a jacket on over this mess!

3. Just plain no pants.

So the day after the launch for the Matthew Williamson summer collection for H&M Chanel Iman updated on Twitter: "Why didn't i wear pants??? Umm i don't know just didn't feel like keeping them on!!"

Thanks nymag.com/daily/fashion

I love her....but she need licks. That is really just a top.

So...Caribbean ladies...about reclaiming this particular style....how about we just don't. Celebs are escorted from the hotel door to the limo door and from the limo door to the door of wherever else they are headed. We do not. I believe this is a style that threatens personal safety, and I believe you all have family members who love you. Nuff said. We have grown to have a love for leggings as a culture (and believe me they aren't going anywhere) so lets just stick to those when we wear a shorter dress. And if we ever have to ask ourselves, "Hmm, is this a top or dress?" let's just err on the side of safety and pick top. EVERY TIME. Also, when comparing, let's take our personal proportions into consideration. Just because on Susie Short Torso it appears to be a perfect dress length, on you, Lesley Long Legs, it is definitely a TOP.

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